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Penn State proposes tuition freeze for in-state, commonwealth campus students amidst funding stalema

Penn State is proposing no increase in tuition next year for in-state students attending their commonwealth campuses, but as the Penn State trustees are now meeting on budget issues, a major component of their funding remains a political football in Harrisburg.

On Thursday afternoon, a Penn State trustee committee on finance detailed a proposed university budget for the next two years.

The university's recent operating budget deficit of $140 million is now projected to be $63 million.

As for tuition for the upcoming school year, a two percent increase for in-state students at University Park and no increase for that group at commonwealth campuses.

But those figures are based on an expected 7-percent increase in funding Penn State receives from the state, which directly impacts tuition levels.

The funding for Penn State, Pitt, Temple and Lincoln, the state's non-preferred universities, is on hold.

It’s separate legislation that requires two thirds approval in the House and Senate, and a group of House Republicans are blocking approval, looking for concessions this year.

“Our goal is to get reforms with these non-preferred schools using our two thirds vote as leverage to make sure that happens.”

What are the House Republicans requesting for the four schools?

Holding the line on tuition increases and Right to Knows.

“Placing them under a Right to know; making sure we have accountability and transparency.”

The schools are not subject to most of the provisions in the state's right to know law, but another legislator says that “we’ve been in negotiations with the universities, looking at a way to get more access.”

Penn State's full board of trustees is due to vote on the new tuition levels at their meeting on Friday.
